
Showing posts from May, 2011

Back to Acts and paradigms

I feel a bit like saying, "and when we last saw our intrepid travelers . . ." It is has been a while since I wrote, and in that interim I meandered off the path of thought ~ so let me recap and regroup. My last series of related blogs were about Barnabas and the effect of the paradigm held in the days of the infant church at the time of the conversion of Saul/Paul and the dispersion of the church because of persecution. so... 1) We know that the paradigm of that season was that God was the God of the Jews. Salvation meant not merely establishment and/or restoration of a personal relationship with God, it meant becoming part of the Jewish community which in the minds of the community was the intended Kingdom of the Kingdom of God. The Jews were God's people, and to be saved meant first to be Jewish...and then to have relationship with God. but 2) We know God wanted to change that paradigm. The first clue for me is the discussion the disciples have with Jesus just b

more randomness ...

I am sitting here getting ready to work on the Bible Survey stuff and my mind is kind of blank. I looked over at my bookshelf and got a craving to grab a book and just go read for a hiding and playing hooky from the work. Skimming over the titles (my book shelves are kind of random ... my daughter tries to organize and catagorize, but I am a little hopeless there) I see the Gulag books and The Cancer Ward by Solzhenitsyn. You know your mind is in "I am desperate ... hide me" mode when Solzhenitsyn tempts you. Don't get me wrong, I do like Solzhenitsyn ... I do OWN the books ... feeling tempted to read them is like being temptyed to train for a marathon. OK, there is also The Man Who is Magic by Gallico, a variety of Lewis ~ fiction and THAT is like getting a whiff of fresh coffee as  you walk by the kitchen, "hmmmm I'd like some of THAT". Oh, there is always Clancy. OH! I could re-read The Hobbit , you know, in preparation fo


So it is spring here. Spring like I remember it when I was little . . .  this morning  my daughter, looking out at the drizzly rain said, "I thought it was supposed to be 'April showers bring May flowers' not 'May showers brings June gloom' -- but that's what it is" I like it. I do love waking to the crisp air and the dull grey sky, the drips of drizzle sliding down the leaves of the bushes outside the window. I love the contrast of the grey sky and the sharp baby green of the spring leaves on the trees. I like the reprieve of cool days before the onslaught of heat that July will bring. I know...July seems forever from now. It isn't. It won't rain hard. It won't rain all day. Just enough. It feels familar to me ... like a glance over my shoulder at when I was 14. That was long ago...and so far away, even squinting I can only just barely read the street signs over my shoulder. Humm: 14, more like a fairy tale than a memory. Maybe that&#

In the ( )

A new writing project has interrupted my blogging. It is a JOB! I am writing a Bible Survey curriculum for a Christian High School where I used to teach...putting on paper, well computer and then CD, what I taught a couple of years ago. It comes from a very different place in my writing space inside of me. Walking mentally from there to here is/has been difficult. I will likely, it seems, be neglectful of this blog space. I will try to do both but I suspect inconsistency here. This feels like an apology to empty space. It feels like I can hear the echo: SORRY                 sorry                                   sorry                                                                   sorry                                                                                               sorrysorrysorrysorry

A paradigm shift

 In order to set the context, I think I need to establish some understanding of what was going on in the minds and emotions of the community of Jewish believers -- because right at first the ONLY real accepted believers were Jewish believers. My theory is that at its base, the book of Acts ~  beyond it being a well written story account of the establishment and growth of the early church and the birth and growth of the ministry and missions of Paul and his teams   ~ is a view of God's work to bring about a paradigm shift in the hearts, minds and spirits, and thereby into the life and ministry, of His people. " Paradigm shift" -- what is that? Definitions are sometimes a helpful discussion beginner so : Paradigm and paradigm shift from American Heritage Dictionary (Yahoo version) : Paradigm: A set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes             a way of viewing reality  for the community that shares them, especially in an intellectu