
Showing posts from March, 2020

David, the Prequel

     Like many of you, I am sure, I have found myself saturated by the news and stories of this COVID19 pandemic that has taken over and transformed our world these last weeks. It has only been weeks, but the Coronavirus has turned our schedules, rituals, and most of our "normals" in life on its head: most people work and go to school at home, parties and weddings are canceled, dinners out at restaurants are the thing of the past, even how we make trips to the grocery store has changed. One of the places that has been changed is the normalcy of church. Our gatherings are remote--all online. It is being done well, sermons, devotionals and prayer sent out online. But even there the virus is front and center.   While I think our pastors are going a great job and I am genuinely grateful for the messages of hope and faith, I realized for the sake of my sanity, I need to read and think about stories that have nothing to do with COVID19 and our reactions to a pandemic.