This old house

It has been a while...a long while...way too long.
Somehow "Writer's Block" came in, unpacked it's suitcase and stayed WAY too long.
So, I thought I'd put something down  ~
Something just in the way of tossing things it WB's suitcase...a hint like, "time to hit the road"

Can't really go back to Jonah, sorry
Just can't
I was going to write about how God shows Himself as the real HERO
How God had this book written to show us
That He had shown Jonah what He was really like,
What Jonah was really like.
God is like that sometimes ~
OK, God is ALWAYS like Himself. That isn't what I mean
I mean
Sometimes God puts us in situations where we see
that what matters to Him is not
following the rules and then feeling all
"I'm all that and a bag of chips"
cuz we are such good rule followers.
God isn't about rules. REALLY!
God wanted Jonah to see that
LOVE you enemies IS the fabric of God's heart
not the rules.
God is about redemption ~
going in and getting back what is being lost by sin.
It is a bit like  .   .   .
(to be WAY beyond cheeky and trite and "oh come ON now")
one of those shows on the DIY
about reno'ing a house...
a mess: sunken floors, UGLY paint, tired cabinets, walls where they DO NOT need to be . . .
You have to see the house
You have to see what the house could and should be
You can't make the show about the RULES of good house-ness,
as it were.
The show is about the house getting to be awesome
it is about forgetting the ugly
and living in the new.

And Jonah for me is about the fact
the proof
the reality
that ... see? ...
The GOD of the Old Testament
the GOD of the New Testament.
It is about love
it is about redemption
it is about the awesome GOD
. . .
Jonah is -- wants to be
a prophet of wrath.
The Old Testament God is NOT
a God of wrath.

Jonah needed to see that.
so do we.

Didn't exactly mean to go there

(what's that noise? OH! WB just slammed the door on his way out, that's all)


  1. Love this! God is all about renovation. He would much rather rebuild us brick upon brick than to just raze us and start with someone new.


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