O Christmas Tree

OK, we do something kind of crazy in December...some people as soon as the day after Thanksgiving...

We put a tree -- very very often -- an evergreen tree that was alive days ago, still green, still still smelling (wonderfully) of pine forests -- into our house. I know that since we all do it, it seems so normal and traditional and all that we really don't question it. We just do it!

Then we decorate it with pretty, Christmas themed things: ornaments, garland, maybe popcorn and cranberries on a string, lights...a star or an angel on top. We leave it there and we let it shed its needles all over our living room floor.

Why do we do this? Is "because it is a Christmas tree" a good enough answer? Do your kids even ask why? Have you ever asked why? There is an answer.

Ok, don't freak out on me. It began as a pagan tradition. (I can hear it now, "OK Mertle. Get that thing out of our house...its pagan!" Calm down. don't do anything rash!)

It began as a pagan tradition.
Remember I said that originally this season was celebrated as Winter Solstice?  Many, many cultures -- especially Northern European cultures thought that the sun god became sick in winter. Some thought that the evergreen tree had power to help heal him so at Winter Solstice they would bring evergreens into their homes to empower him. Some of the early church fathers were scandalized that the early Christians would continue these pagan practices. Others, (Boniface for one) used the tree and redeemed the traditions regarding evergreens to teach about Jesus and present the gospel.

They used the triangular shape of evergreens to teach about the Trinity. They reminded people that evergreens symbolized life . . . life that is eternal and cannot be conquered by the winter. They reminded people that Jesus died on a tree (the cross of wood) that we might have eternal life.

Today, in this very modern age, people are still putting evergreen trees into their homes. I bet you do. So let's do what the wise, early Church fathers did: lets redeem this symbol, that is now virtually empty and devoid of meaning for people. As you set up the tree, as you decorate, talk about how this tree is a powerful symbol that can and should remind us of Jesus and all He has done for us. Trees don't die (unless you kill them) ~ what a powerful symbol of life. The Bible is full of metaphors about trees and righteous men. Perhaps you might want to read some...like Psalm 1. Then evergreen trees are so full of life that winter can not conquer them -- the life that Jesus has given us can not be conquered by the winters of our lives. Then talk about how Jesus chose to come and die on a tree...a cross of wood. He chose to be "cut down" in the prime of his life, he chose to die that we might have life ~ eternal life.

So put up your tree -- on purpose!


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