Priming the Pump

Breaking stride -- interruptions -- pauses

It is amazing to me how when I write daily, I can write so much more easily. I find the insights and thoughts tapping me on the shoulder throughout the day. I find as I do all those "mindless" tasks ~ dishes, sweeping floors, wiping counters, straightening, folding laundry ~ that what I will write, or at least what I will write about, clicks together like pieces of a puzzle : frames of thinking, colors of a theme matching colors of a theme.

But, when I break stride, when interruptions, major and/or minor, pauses in routine occur ~ wow! It is like when you have a laptop and you are busily writing away and "CLICK" the battery dies and the screen goes blank. That is how I feel. Blank screen.

I was interrupted by a season of flu in the family, then a trip to CO, then a final flu slap in the face. In the face of those distractions, I just never made it to my computer to write. I woke yesterday thinking, "Today! Today I will get back to it." I did sit down to write, got to my blog site...and - - - the phone rang, and then chores that 'needed' to be done yelled at me as I walked by - - -
You guessed it -- no blog again!  So -  here I am. I haven't finished gathering my wayward thoughts about Elisha and the rest of his roller coaster adventures, but I thought I would write something. It is like 'priming the pump'.

Tomorrow : Elisha at the battle


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