. . . and . . . now he is 6!

This was written over 3 years ago... sweet memories!

Well  ~  really, my adorable wonderful too cute for words -- really you wouldn't believe how cute if you haven't met him -- grandson came for a visit. We were "babysitting" ... well that is what my daughter and her husband think. Really he just came to play. We love it when he comes to play. I think my favorite moments were when Seth, his Uncle Dan and I were dancing around the living room to
"Rockin Robin" ... Seth's face was priceless! See, I am smiling AGAIN just thinking about it. If you don't have grandchildren...I totally recommend them. It is a bit of an investment: you get married to someone you want to spend a lifetime with, you have children, love and enjoy them through all the stages from "OH! I think I am pregnant" to "when did you get taller than I am" to "yes, you SHOULD marry that wonderful person" to "OH you are pregnant??!!!??". It does, yes, take a bit of time, but you will find that time really does fly. I think it was yesterday ... no ... it was just last week that my daughter was playing dress-up with her sister and brother. Now she is ready to have her second baby. She is really thoughtful that way -- She gave us all a perfect grandson (nephew to her siblings, of course) [ when she was pregnant with this wonder-child, her dad used to say she was having 'our baby' -- we'd laugh, but as it turns out it feels like it is true.] Now there will be a grand daughter! Needless to say, all of us -- Papa and I, Unta Dan, Auntie and Ed -- are all so excited and can hardly wait.
So, go ahead. Plan for it -- You really will love having grand children...and then GRANDCHILDREN!

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