one note

I love reading. Anyone who knows me, if they really know me, knows that. I have hidden in books, and found myself in books. When immersed in story I can see my world, often, much more clearly. Literally, books feed my soul ~ and my spirit ~ and my mind. When life has scraped me raw inside, my favorite balm of healing is often an hour or more reading Heschel ~ The Prophets, or C. S. Lewis--any of his apologetics. I agree with Lewis...books should be re-read; and if a book isn't worth re-reading, it probably wasn't really worth reading.

I am reading two new authors right now: Richard Peck and Ursula Le Guin. OK...they are not "new"... I just found them. They are both wonderful. Peck took me back to the 30's; Le Guin took me to another world. Both made truth the background music of story.


  1. Neisha and I were talking about what to do when you are in a crowd and you don't have a friend. She asked me what I did. I told her - I always had a book with me. Books were always my friend and I could always read, no matter where I was. So, if I was friendless and alone, I would pull out my book. She thought it was a funny answer, but it is very true. Books have saved me many times, when I needed a friend!


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