Honor and joy

I have, today, the amazing privilege of attending the graduation for the Torry Honors Program at Biola. I am going as an invited guest ~ invited by two of my former students. Four years ago, 5 students who attended Southlands were accepted and are now graduating...2 of them are my students. I am pleased...pleased in a saturate and solid way. What I love about teaching is sharing the moment when a light comes on in someone's eyes ~ seeing wonder unfold on their face. Conversely what I hate (loathe, abhor) is the feeling I get when students do not want to learn and infact refuse to do so. . .students who close their eyes -- students who are purposely obtuse. The exhaustion and tedium of  enduring those dull boorish lumps (ok, harsh but yeah that is what it is like) is MORE than over matched when a student looks up, catches my eye and I can tell that they SEE...when I can see the wonder of "oh YEAH!" on their face. So I go on teaching. Therefore to be allowed ~ invited ~ to the graduation of students who chose to go on and excel in a program all about thought, understanding, depth, exploration; the graduation of students who chose "kenning" ~ to share with them the joy and honor of accomplishment. . .this is a pleasure rare and inestimable.


  1. The mark of a great teacher . . . previous students want to share their lives with you . . . Barbara, they still want your approval, your input, your words . . . you. Yeah for Barbara . . . and for them for continuing.


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