so...I was thinking ~

as I read through Acts ... and the attendant epistles... I am teaching through Acts and the letters of Paul right now to a gaggle of gangly teens --- yeah, that was bad -- I know -- but ... ok, no excuse for sappy alliteration so ~ as I was saying

The characters and the flow of the story are so intriguing: Paul, the uber-educated ex-Pharisee, trudging along the road from Antioch to Derbe to Iconium to ... ... ??? on his "second missionary journey"... thinking, "lets go to Asia!" and the Holy Spirit saying "nope!" " OH, ummmm OK, then, how about if we go NORTH to Bithynia?" and the Holy Spirit says, "nope, NOPE!!" I think I have felt that way...heck, I think I feel that way right now:

" we have been out doing our best to do what we are called to and ~ ok, never mind the beatings, and oppositon from people who used to be our friends (I suspect he actually KNEW some of the Jewish Christians who came into the region...especially in Syrian Antioch...teaching that Gentile Christians had to go BACK, become a Jew -- get circumcised, and follow the Law -- or their salvation was off. They were allowed after all to teach in the church. ) now we try to move forward into 'new' areas and the answer is "no" ????"

So how many (of us) are in "Troas" this season? I can see Paul standing out on the docks looking out to sea. "OK...this is as far as I can go, I guess. Do we sail, do we wait, do we go back?" Nothing "happened" in Troas, or nothing is mentioned anyway." We are told, 'during the night Paul had a vision'...but I am intrigued by the season, the visionless season between the attempts at Asia and Bithynia. How many days did he pace the streets, wander to the docks, sit mulling over scripture, trying to hear SOMETHING from Jesus? The "during the night" phrase, I am sure, is actually literal...night time. But for me as I ponder/imagine/meditate on the scene, it feels poetic : out of his darkness, there in the night ~ the place where the light to walk was all gone ~ there ! That is where the vision came.

So here I am ~ standing at the docks looking out to sea. It is twilight...I am hoping every night for a vision.


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