"before the story" thoughts

So I wrote the last one because I had an image...not a story. I was reading my 'dictionary.com' entry that morning. OBVIOUSLY the word of the day was cacophony.

harsh discordance of sound; dissonance: a cacophony of hoots, cackles, and wails.

a discordant and meaningless mixture of sounds: the cacophony produced by city traffic at midday.
Music. frequent use of discords of a harshness and relationship difficult to understand.

I instantly was struck with the juxtaposition of thought having cacophony too...but a cacophony silent to the world. My mind swirled with the idea/concept/questions ~ in my head, I 'hear' thoughts...when I can concentrate it is (usually) one voice. But though I hear it , it isn't made of sound....but if I 'hear' it -- and I do -- what is it? So I stopped on an image of those moments when thoughts bombard me from all directions at once: memories of conversations, sometimes mixed with things I wish I had said; questions about how and why things happened; snippets of songs that lodge in repeat mode; plans for the day, observations on what I see, etc, etc. Sometimes it really is so very loud that I cannot hear what my ears hear. As I pondered all this -- hearing the story-beginning form -- I stumbled across another definition that galvanized my attention.
I had wandered...common for me when I look up words: I look up the word, and then cross, looking up one of the words used to define that one, and so on and so on down the garden path.
So cacophony led me to ~

a simultaneous combination of tones conventionally accepted as being in a state of unrest and needing completion

which led me to

consonance (lots of definitions for this word)
accord or agreement.
correspondence of sounds; harmony of sounds.
Music. a simultaneous combination of tones conventionally accepted as being in a state of repose.Compare
dissonance (def. 2).
the correspondence of consonants, esp. those at the end of a word, in a passage of prose or verse. Compare
alliteration (def. 1).
the use of the repetition of consonants or consonant patterns as a rhyming device.

Then tucked at the bottom was a PHYSICS definition for this word that REALLY caught my attention:

the property of two sounds the frequencies of which have a ratio equal to a small whole number.

Really? I am not even sure I understand this but reading it was like looking at a kaleidoscope. So.....all this to say: I am caught in the twirl of these words: cacophony, dissonance, consonance and their juxtaposition, and the images flowing from them. Maybe it will lead somewhere. I actually wrote that snippet yesterday because I needed somewhere to "put" the image/story-beginning so I wouldn't loose it. That is a bit of what this blog is all about too. I will remember this all better when I read this ... later.


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