Poetry class #3

Yom Hu'ledet Sameach[i]

With haunted eyes
Peering out across the hills,
He asks me,                       
                      or no one,
“I wonder…what do you think became of them?”

I think of them;
I wonder
      --  as I often do --
As I lay the plates
On the table that they left
In payment for their stay.
I think of them
in this bleak, grey season since the slaughter,
grey with sackcloth,
grey with ash.

That night
As if with a rock from a spinning sling
We were hit with the squalid smell
Of unwashed shepherds.
It was then,
Then, as we went down to clear
The raucous, rude, mess of men away,
That he told me of them.
“Ah Eli!  And where was your head?
You didn’t put the camel drivers in the stable?
Her with child, Eli? With child!!?”
And then
A cry that split the night;
And silence fell,
And shepherds fell upon their knees,
And tears fell in muddy streams
Down leathered faces. 

We cleaned a room,
And cleared the way,
And as we gently led them in,
I heard the shepherds’ unhushed voices
Whispering of music
And of angels.

I wonder. 

[i] Happy Birthday


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