And the rain

I love it. I really do. Perhaps if I lived in Seattle or somewhere like that with skies a permanent grey and a dearth of sunshine, perhaps then I would find it tedious and drear. But I do not. I live here in the mono-seasonatic land of So. Cal.

 Now do not get me wrong ~ I am NOT SORRY that I live here. I love southern California. I love the fact that even in the heat of summer, if you just can make it to sundown, the ocean breeze will flow in like a sigh of relief. I love the fact that when we get winter storms the snow glazes the mountain on the horizon, staying in the vista and off my roads. We get the beauty -- accessible in a mere hour's drive, if you wish -- but really, not the inconvenience and frustration. I love the fact that we can be at the beach  or in the mountains on a whim of any day.

So ~ here, here where we get a bit of rain, here I love the rain. I love the color of the clouds: from gray to grey, steel to silver. I love the trees all washed green. I love the fact that 20 minutes from here you could be under a cloud-wisped blue sky but here in a storm. I love just standing at a window with a cup of tea, or coffee or ~ maybe best of all on a rainy day ~ sipping chocolate, and watching the rain fall. I love the new washed look of the world when the rain stops. When I was a little girl, I was allowed to walk home from school on rainy days. If I took my shoes and socks off I could walk home without an umbrella. (ok all you moms, breath in and was a gift not a torment) When I got home, delighted and soaked to the skin, from a slow, play-filled -- to quote ee cummings -- 'puddle-wonderful' meander home, I would hop into a hot shower and then sit in front of a fire with a cup of hot chocolate.  Even now, writing about it, the memory is tangible and full of delight.

I love the rain.


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