Writing for writing's sake

I find that my mind is so full of the "and then I'll..." and "first, I'll..." 's that  when I try to find my mind's writing room  all I can find are blank, drab, dun walls. Translation: writing is hard when "to-do" lists occupy your thinking.
I am still trying to get into the swing of this year. My days look something like: get out of be (yeah, I count it, cuz sometimes it requires effort and determination), breakfast, homeschooling (English, Latin, Geography, Logic, Bible, Biology...we are on block schedule, so not everything everyday), dash to the school for 2 hours to tutor a VERY cute, VERY active 4th grade boy who is newnewnewly here from China, come home to make dinner and ... to be honest ... then I sort-of collapse ~ well not literally, but definitely mentally. I have not even read a book for fun -- and TRUST me -- for me that is like skipping vegetables!!!
OK, yeah, that all sounds like whining. But ~ well, I guess I feel kind of whiny today. I will try to find something to think about that is full of goodness, truth and beauty. CLEARLY ~  I need it!


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