
I have finished. . .and. . .I am done. The last 6 weeks ... all the long years of them ... are now over, finished, completed and done! I taught English 1, the entire freshmen English year, in 6 short/l o n g weeks. It was just THAT crazy. I had 30 Asian students that ranged from, "I can say, 'meeseez my-yuh'" to students who were passionate fanatical study-aholics. Grammar, Voyage of the Dawn Treader, poetry, vocabulary (60 words per week), writing, and Romeo and Juliet all in 6 weeks, four hours a day, 5 days a week...of course that didn't "count" prep and grading time which every teacher knows is actually 'invisible' time anyway.  The snap-shots of faces race across the screen of my mind. I am sure I learned so much more than they did!!! When a whirlwind has spun you around and dropped you somewhere east of Oz and west of Kansas I guess it takes a minute or so to catch your breath and get your bearings.


In the middle of the 6 weeks I was told that I was a budget cut. I only taught part time during the regular school year, so a teacher who only teaches 8th and 9th period is easy to trim from the budget. It is actually fine with me -- I will tutor instead and I find I love to do that . NO grading papers (dance dance) NO preping work (dance dance) NO teacher's meeting at the end of tiring days (taptap dance dance). I will miss the students. And I must go back to say good-bye to teachers that have become friends. That will feel so odd. I find that I feel resistance growing. I mean I want to say good-bye, I just don't want to live through the moments of saying good-bye. It is not a big deal I suppose...the resistance is like crunched up tin foil inside of me anyway.


  1. so maybe you will have more time to write now?

  2. Yeah for you! "The times they are a changin' " So said Bob Dylan years ago, and still applicable today.

    Tutoring is a VERY good gig. When I tutored after school, I made more than my teaching job. And I set my own hours as well.

    I hope you are enjoying your summer, and that you all are well. I start back in a couple of weeks. I really enjoy the summer at home doing work around here. Hopefully in the near future I will be able to have my Etsy business take over my need to work at the school system!


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