face ~

I had a thought/feeling this morning while perusing facebook: I realized I felt a bit like I do when we are on a drive. There I sit, invisible inside the passing car. I look out and my eyes hopscotch across the horizon. Maybe a billboard catches my eyes, maybe I notice the flowers scattered across the hill in the distance. Perhaps I see a family in a nearby car (why  do I think I can see them but they won't notice me ? ? ? hmmm). I skim over so many 'see-able' things, hitting the "delete" button with every blink. Facebook seems like that for me sometimes. It is like I am scanning a passing view, glancing at some posts, stopping and looking into others. Even the scroll button at the bottom of the screen mimics the spin of the passing world out the car window. Is that why I like it? Is it the 'invisible viewer' stance I take? Maybe this isn't such a good thing...hmmmmm.


  1. Great despcription! It does feel a little voyeristic at times!


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